Monday, August 3, 2015

Hattie's 8 Mindframes

John Hattie Learning Intentions & Success Criteria

Professor Guy Claxton: Building Learning Power - How to grow a 21st cent...

The idea of Building Learning Power - Prof. Guy Claxton

Carol Dweck's work

Carol Dweck on Performance Assessment (Teaching Channel) from Teaching Channel on Vimeo.

See the entire Deeper Learning video series at

Carol Dweck, psychologist and growth mindset researcher, shares her insights on the approach of Envision Education.

See all the Envision Education videos in this series:

Great Resources to Share with my New Team

Let's start with James Nottingham!

The Learning Challenge

The Learning Challenge with James Nottingham from Challenging Learning on Vimeo.
The Learning Challenge is one way to explain why more challenge leads to enhanced learning. It helps teachers structure lessons, and students challenge themselves. Created by James Nottingham (@JamesNottinghm), the Learning Challenge uses the idea of a "pit," first used by Butler & Edwards. More background information, a full description, & lesson resources can be found in Challenging Learning (2010).

James Nottingham - The Progress/Achievement Quadrant from Challenging Learning on Vimeo.

The Teaching Target Model with James Nottingham from Challenging Learning on Vimeo.
This is about targeting our teaching so that students are more Students need to be willing and able to get into The Learning Zone or 'wobble zone'. They should be 'wobbling' at periods in their learning journey so that they continue to make PROGRESS. As teachers, we need to learn to target our teaching towards this objective.